Change is everywhere. Merriam-Webster's definition of change is "to become different." We choose on a daily basis to either remain the same and stay the course or make a change. It is not always easy to make a change and after the change is made you envision your life being better for it. Change is progress. Change is growth. Change is something that happens when you want to move forward from where you are right now.
I recently was hired on at South Tama Middle School to become their 7th grade Social Studies for the 2016-17 school year. I am very excited for the opportunity to teach a group of students that I am very passionate about and feel as though my best work is done with the middle school age students. South Tama is a bigger district where I will only be responsible for teaching 7th grade students, a big difference from having three different grade levels as well as some elective courses at English Valleys. I hope to also be able to do some coaching once the dust settles and I begin my new position.
Many people, especially students, have asked why I am making this change from EV to South Tama and the truth is that there is no simple answer as to why. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time here at EV but I also realize that going to school that is bigger allows me to focus my time and energy on one subject and grade level instead of three or four. As it is a bigger school there may be more opportunities both in the community and in the school district. I have also decided to make this change as I believe it to be the best for me and my family.
I picked the Merriam-Webster definition of change because I believe it to be a unique way to define it. When I see "to become different" I view it as something that is changing the way I am. In that regard, I do not see this move as a change because I will still be the same teacher with the same views and expectations. I will continue to be passionate and excited about education. I will continue to do goofy things like #CelebrateMonday as well as fun projects and culture-building activities in my classroom. Really the noticeable change will be in the location as it will be in South Tama instead of North English.
Finally, the greatest change I believe will be the people that I am surrounded by on a daily basis. I have met some incredible students, colleagues, and community members over these last two years that have made my time here very enjoyable. Just yesterday my Junior High students threw a going away party of sorts where they brought a cake and drinks to celebrate these last two years. I have been given notes written by students as well as numerous thank you's and high-fives. You never realize how much of a difference you have made until after something like this happens.
I am proud of everything I was able to accomplish over these past two years but also realize that I have plenty more growing and learning left to do. Change, to me, is the idea of never settling for anything other than excellence. I will continue to do that at my next stop in South Tama.
Until next a light!